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Friday Fellowship

Schedule: Friday 7:30 - 9:00 PM


Zoom Option: 


Meeting ID:   868 1560 8993
Passcode:   12344321

Dial in #: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Evangelism is an important mission of the Church. Other than personal witness, our church has a Friday Night Fellowship program. This program has two purposes: to share the gospel with friends in town and to grow the understandings of the grace of Jesus Christ for our brothers and sisters.

The Friday fellowship started with a simple meal. It is an opportunity and a time to get to know and share life experiences with each other. Visitors such as scholars, doctors, grandparents and local residents all are welcome to participate in this program.

After the simple dinner, everyone is invited to sing hymns together. It is a spiritual awakening time because many have experienced the touch and comfort of the music and lyrics.   After singing comes the study. Our lessons extend from creation to salvation and from salvation to tribulation. 

When studying the Bible, life experiences such as suffering, wars, natural disasters; or spiritual puzzles such as God’s characters and trinity; were discussed. There may not be an immediate answer but we try our best to make it clear that Grace is by faith alone.

We also invite outside speakers to share the gospel from science, philosophy and sociology perspectives. Through different methods we are to explore the real meaning of the faith.   


Over the years, some heard the gospel first time; some have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord, still some who can’t make a decision during their stay at Rochester but later on they have confessed their faith in Christ at another  church or fellowship. Therefore, we believe that "the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes."  So, as long as one is willing, wherever he is, he can call upon God and God will give the saving grace to him.

We welcome everyone to join the Friday Night Fellowship. Due to the pandemic, we conduct online fellowship at the present time. The topic we are discussing now is "An overview of the New Testament". We hope everyone can go online at 7:30 every Friday night and study the Bible together. Our zoom id is 868 1560 8993 and pw is 12344321.

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